Detailed Information

Sue Bickerdyke Interiors & Home Furnishings is an INTERIOR DESIGNER’S SHOWROOM

Designed for OUR CLIENT’S. You can choose a Contemporary neutral palette with greys and whites

or an Organic Palette with a mix of patterns, color and textures. Our love for textiles gives you a beautiful selection of designer fabrics  for furniture, drapery and bedding.

The selections in our showroom gives you an opportunity to select your preferences; the fabrics, the finishes, the comfort and all the details YOU LOVE for YOUR home.

We carry a great selection of lamps and you are always welcome to take accessories on approval before making your final selection.

Sue Bickerdyke interiorsSue Bickerdyke interiors Sue Bickerdyke interiors Sue Bickerdyke interiors

Click here to see examples of our work