Detailed Information

Chris Wesson is a VA home loan specialist and part of the Benchmark VA Education Team based out of Cave Creek, Arizona. Having grown up in a small town in Alabama, he grew up in a culture of community and neighbors helping neighbors and strives to maintain that level of community here in the Valley. He served 4 years in the US Marine Corps from 2002 – 2006 as an engineer and completed 3 deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, 2004, and 2005. After he left active service he returned to Iraq for another 5 years as a civilian security contractor working for the Department of Defense and US State Department. As a VA home loan specialist Chris tries to educate as many veterans and realtors as he can on the benefits of the VA home loan so more real estate agents are prepared and excited to work with VA buyers.

The Benchmark Veteran Promise – “NO MORE will the veteran be taken advantage of. We have changed the way VA lending is done. We will always do right by the veteran and provide first-class service that ensures our veterans receive the American Dream of home ownership they deserve.

Chris Wesson Chris Wesson